Words of Wisdom and Love from the Akashic Records. Part 1 and part 2

Are Past lives Karma and Reincarnation a mindset?
"My questions today are about Past lives, Karma, and Reincarnation. In other conversations, you somewhat explained these topics. Could you elaborate on this topic? Is this limiting the spiritual development? Is there a connection to the New Age movement?
"As you said before, the New Age movement served as a tool for those dark forces who ruled this world to control the spiritual awareness of humanity."
Are we supposed to work through layers and layers of consciousness to get rid of the burdens of karma? Are there even burdens of Karma?

A. The soul’s purpose on your planet is to grow and evolve. It does not matter how. You asked about very specific principles in your spiritual teachings."

Q. Yes, I understood this to be the right spiritual teachings at some time. You already told me some other truths about these teachings.

A. Yes, we did. You asked us to elaborate and deepen your perspectives. If human souls would be limited in the development of their consciousness if they had to comply with rules and certain regulations. Then the conclusion would be that no soul is a free spirit.
Limiting consciousness is never a good thing. It is control. Just think of yourself and others as an unlimited vibration. You all are taught that there are limits in what you can do or be. It is not a coincidence that humanity is not reaching the full brain capacity.
Why is that? Because by nature, it is fully present in your bodies. Just ready to use. So, you see the limitations on humanity are endless. There are so many programmed into your consciousness. There are so many consciousnesses, and therefore many different limitations because not one soul is the same.
The questions you asked are, therefore, very diverse and layered. We will need more than one conversation.

Q. That is fine by me.
A. As we said before, the new age movement was implemented by the dark controlling forces. As you know by now, it was meant to be a religion for the new world order they envisioned. With that religion came a set of rules and rituals. We speak of dark forces, but we find in the history of these controlling powers so many different layers and vibrational fields of souls. The souls who made these choices for humanity.
It happened such a long time ago that over time and very gradually, most of the spiritual teachings were adopted as true facts. Part of these historical events was to create a collective consciousness. They understood the laws of attraction and the manipulation of human consciousness so well. All was done gradually and over time, using the natural abilities of humans to their advantage.
That brings us to some of your questions. We already told you that there is no karma and no reincarnation. We always speak of timelines of healing or just timelines. You already use this knowledge in your Akashic readings. As you have already experienced, this will open up a bigger sense of healing and knowledge about the souls you work with.

Q. Certainly! I am presented with the opportunity to observe and experience the diverse timelines of healing that need attention, feeling the vibrations essential for each moment in time. It has become increasingly apparent that we are not merely bound by karma, past lives, or the concept of reincarnation.

A. So true. We have to explain. As you know, there is no linear time in the Akashic records. Past, present, and future are not bound by time or in any order of appearance. The Akashic records are part of your consciousness, so why should there be linear time in one part of your consciousness and not in the other parts? It defies logic.

Q. It seems like it.
A. We will explain. If, as we say, you all are living in an open space of vibrational timelines, and past, present, and future are here at the same moment in time, then why would you need the principle of karma? Why carry the so-called burdens of karma with you when it only takes a shift in vibration/frequency, because it is already here? We understand the choices that the souls make for a lifetime, what to heal, and what to let go of. That is not a judgment. But, if the suffering of the old school's teachings can be lifted through a simple vibrational shift, and this could take moments or minutes to heal when the right frequency/vibration is recognized.
So, in regard to your question, yes, karma is a mindset that makes it harder than necessary. This mindset makes people suffer way too long.

Part 2 November 6, 2022.

Q. Today, I watched a video about a very brave victim of MK Ultra. She was speaking up about the involvement of governments and three-letter agencies, sharing very horrific content. MK Ultra was a real, controversial CIA program that aimed to explore and develop techniques for mind control and behavioral manipulation. It involved unethical experiments on unwitting subjects, often causing severe psychological and emotional harm.
Now, I understand your remarks about the knowledge they have had for a long time to manipulate and alter our consciousness. The use of the collective is a tool to them. Can we even be sure if we are free of programming? Are we completely free from any external influences or programming. How does this tie into the topics we are discussing? I wonder about the collective consciousness and the Christ consciousness in relation to these mind-controlling and disgusting tools they used.

A. "It is good that you mentioned the Christ consciousness in regard to mind control and the collective consciousness. As they wanted to dominate all spiritual teachings, the collective turned out to be their biggest tool.
As you heard in the video, the lady spoke about her daughter, whose mind was destroyed from birth. From the first breath she took, she was altered. It is very hard to come back from such a state.
Every soul is born with a connection to the Christ consciousness. The mind is a very complex vibrational organism, and they know how to change it to their advantage.
The soul has its own protective mechanisms, so when the mind undergoes so many traumas and tortures, the soul will protect the person by leaving in segments. This is a mechanism of the soul that helps the person survive and function.
The collective consciousness is full of mind-controlled issues. Programming the masses was the goal, to disconnect them from the Christ consciousness. The Christ consciousness is that part of your soul's consciousness that holds the divine light. It connects each and every soul to the source of divinity and to their God particle.
"This Christ consciousness brings awareness to every soul—the awareness of self, the awareness of spirits, and its own divinity and love."
Q. What does all of this information mean for humanity?

This means that humanity needs to be desensitized from false spiritual teachings. Otherwise, they keep feeding the old false beliefs. When you speak about reincarnation, then there could be different mindsets in place. It is not one or the other. Being born and choosing a path of growth is always the case.
Upon birth, one does not carry a backpack of karma to untangle layer by layer.
"No onions to peel down to the core, because the core is always already here. No hard life lessons to learn because life is not a school but a time of experiences to go through and grow through. We do not deny that some experiences can be very hard.
The false teaching lies in the perception that you should work hard because otherwise, you are not yet good enough. To unburden yourself from the so-called karma. Another aspect is that the term 'enlightenment' lost its meaning in the fight with the ego."

At times, the perception is that one must let go of their ego, and then they will be complete. However, the ego is an indispensable tool for each individual. Understanding the ego holds significant importance. It is an inherent part of everyone, so why would it be considered bad? In truth, you already possess light and divinity at your core.
Within the belief system of karma, one can encounter various mindsets.
Consider adopting a mindset rooted in love. Embrace these affirmations:
I am always good as I am.
I originate from a divine source.
I am a spirit of light and joy.

This is the answer to your questions if it is limiting the spiritual development. Open up your eyes and minds to another possibility, and you will experience another broader reality with much more ease."
Love is always present wherever you are at any given time in your life. There is no need to search for it.
Some people find it difficult to let go of these belief systems because they have seen results from following them. These beliefs have been ingrained in them. However, is it the truth? We do not think so.
It is more aligned with the law of attraction – what you think about tends to manifest.
Yes, and that is the mindset or programmed control. This is what they implemented. Remember, altering the minds into belief systems works all the time. But is it the truth? We say no.

This is the answer to your questions regarding whether it limits spiritual development. If you open your eyes and minds to other possibilities, you will experience a broader reality with much more ease.

As always Breath and be at ease.


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